Sake (Photo/Photo Object), .psd, .jpg format

Sake (Photo)

Related Art:
Japanese Things
Edibles, Drinkables

300ppi PSD - $20.00
RGB - 2160px x 1440px (approx 7.2" x 4.8")
All silhouetting is carefully anti-aliased
This PSD file is made up of 4 layers
for ease of customization:
 -Background blend
 -Sake cups w/transparent drop shadow
 -Sake Bottle w/transparent drop shadow
 -Silhouetted cups and bottle (no shadow)
Item Separator Line

300ppi JPG - $14.00
RGB - 2160px x 1440px (approx 7.2" x 4.8")
Item Separator Line

72ppi JPG- $10.00
RGB - 900px x 600px (approx 12.5" x 8.3")

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